Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Robert Downey Jr. on The Avengers: "Joss Whedon is nailing it"

  Robert Downey Jr made a surprise appearance at the Hero Complex Film Festival on Sunday, where he joined Jon Fraveau.

  The actor revealed his initial thoughts on his experience so far filming the upcoming Avengers movie. 

  You can read a transcript of what he said below:

 "Well, I hate everybody. [Audience laughs] I’m not talking about the cast, I’m not talking about Joss. What I mean is I tend to look at a scene and say ‘This is absolutely impossible, we can’t shoot this, it’s horrible. I can tell you 10 other movies its been in, I refuse.’ I usually start off the morning by refusing to do what I’ve signed on to do. 
 So I brought that attitude, happily. I just thought ‘How are you gonna put all of us clowns together? He’s wearing a suit, he’s all jacked up, he’s so and so and poor Mark Ruffalo, he’s gonna out do us’. And we’re about six weeks in and I have to say Joss Whedon is nailing it. He’s so smart and so good. And it’s gonna be great. I can’t believe I just said it, I never could’ve believed this but it’s gonna be great."

 Big words! We didn´t expect any less from TV wizard Joss Whedon!

 The actor will also reprise his role of Tony Stark on the third sequel of Iron Man which is currently set for a May 3rd, 2013 release, while The Avengers will hit theaters May 4, 2012.

 Are you looking forward to these films? 

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