Rabu, 06 April 2011

Mariah Carey Shows Her Pregnant Body

 Mariah Carey is days away from giving birth to her twins (a  boy and a girl) and decided to show the world how proud she is of her pregnant body.

 The singer, who posed for the latest issue of Life and Style magazine, described the circumstances that surrounded her decision to finally share her pregnancy with the world:

 "I was feeling very vulnerable about taking pictures at all right now, but then I didn't want to miss this opportunity to document this once-in-a-lifetime experience. My ultimate goal was to share this incredibly personal moment with my true fans."
 Days before the shoot, Mariah suffered from contractions coincidentally on the day of her birthday:

 "The babies were kicking almost the entire time; it was unbelievable. Especially the girl -- clearly she's a diva in training! We didn't start shooting until 1:30 a.m. because I was in the hospital from the night before until the day of the shoot with contractions five minutes apart!"

 This new situation has completely changed Mariah´s perspective on motherhood, as she revealed to the publication:

 "Now I have so much respect for mothers everywhere, especially those who've had difficult pregnancies or given birth to multiples. We need to have Mother's Day once a week!"


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